

Paju Electric Scooter Accident Prevention Campaign

Paju Electric Scooter Accident Prevention Campaign

Let's enhance passenger safety awareness and reduce accident rates through the campaign

Let's enhance passenger safety awareness and reduce accident rates through the campaign

2022년 6월 21일 화요일

Today (21st), we conducted a traffic safety campaign in collaboration with Paju Police Station~~

This campaign was carried out as a preventative measure due to an increase in cases of license cancellation arising from the growing number of Personal Mobility (PM) device users, including:

△Driving without a license △Not wearing safety helmets or protective gear △Overloading △Riding on sidewalks △Using after drinking

According to data from the Road Traffic Authority, traffic accidents involving personal mobility devices in Paju have increased by 2.5 times from 4 cases in 2020 to 14 cases last year. 😢

Let's enhance the riders' safety awareness and reduce accident rates through this campaign~

For safe riding, GCOO is on the move even today~

We will continue to conduct safety campaigns in the future! Thank you.

Paju Electric Scooter Accident Prevention CampaignGcooter CampaignTraffic Safety CampaignSafety Campaign

External Cooperation Team

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External Cooperation Team

We are a team dedicated to building a media network and handling public relations tasks to enhance brand recognition.

External Cooperation Team

We are a team dedicated to building a media network and handling public relations tasks to enhance brand recognition.