Gcooter here.
The time for our in-company interview
has come once again~
Our interviewee is
the marketer from Gbike, part of the IMC team, Harry.
Q1. Could you please give us a brief introduction of yourself?
A. Hello! My name is Harry. I am a 7th-year marketer.
I've worked with various branding agencies on comprehensive advertising, event promotions, and BTL strategy, and now I've become an in-house marketer for a brand called Gcooter. I'm in my first year as an in-house marketer. Wah, baby 👶

Harry's back in need of a style upgrade
Q2. What does a Gcooter marketer do?
A. We work on various online and offline promotions to attract new subscribers, change perceptions of scooters, and establish a culture of safety. These days, with continuous issues surrounding electric scooter safety, our primary task is to work towards entrenching a safety culture.
Q3. You really do a wide variety of tasks! So, what efforts are you making to establish a PM safety culture?
A. We are running online/offline safety campaigns and producing safety videos.
Online/Offline Safety Campaigns
Our safety campaigns started by informing about the revised Road Traffic Law (PM Law).
With adherence to various rules, such as wearing helmets, keeping to the passenger limit, prohibition of drunk-driving, driver's license registration, and courteous parking, we can significantly reduce accident rates.
We conduct safety campaigns in conjunction with universities, local governments, and companies nationwide, and we plan to continue these campaigns in the future.
Additionally, we work on helmet sales, social media campaigns for safety, creating parking zones, and offline safety education to promote safety.
Safety Video Production
We are currently producing safety videos related to riding Gcooter. It’s an ongoing project, so the details cannot be shared yet.
Ha ha ha... please look forward to the content when the video is released!
Q4. We count on you for the safety of our customers in the future! Any final words you'd like to share?
A. Even if you adhere to basic safety rules like wearing protective gear, riding solo, and not driving under the influence, PMs moving amidst cars, bicycles, and pedestrians are always exposed to danger.
PM Law exists as a minimum set of regulations for safe riding. Therefore, I wish that all riders will strive to exceed these regulations in their awareness of safety. As a result, I hope a culture of safe PM usage will be established.
After many safety campaigns and cautionary advice during Gcooter rides,
it truly has been an informative time.
Let's give a round of applause to Harry for participating in the interview.
👏 👏 👏
Thank you.