The world is vast, complex, and challenging. There are numerous countries, each with its own culture, language, and habits. Building products or services that understand and cater to the diversity of each country is never easy. Despite this, GCOO enjoys this challenge and has been promoting electric bicycle and electric scooter sharing services globally. This represents our strong will to view the world as one and to provide the same service to everyone.
To move beyond Korea and into the world, we have applied a special principle called 'i18n'. This is an abbreviation for 'Internationalization', with the number 18 representing the count of letters between 'I' and 'n'. This term specifies how products or services should accommodate and respect the various cultures and languages of the world.
In this process, we have chosen ChatGPT and DeepL as important tools. These two play a key role in realizing our 'i18n' principle and continue to do so at this very moment.
ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence language model developed by OpenAI, and its capabilities are impressive. It understands and naturally conveys various languages and cultures. This greatly aids in delivering the UX writing of a product naturally in different languages. A sentence that may be received naturally in Korea may not be so in other countries. In such cases, ChatGPT understands context and cultural backgrounds to find appropriate expressions to make it easy for users to understand.
On the other hand, DeepL uses advanced Neural Machine Translation technology to support translations in over 24 languages. It does more than simply translate sentences; it comprehends the context and meaning to provide a more natural translation. Using DeepL, we can automate and efficiently handle the complicated process of language conversion.
'i18n' and 'i18next' operate in a complementary relationship. 'i18next' provides the code structure and framework for internationalization, while ChatGPT and DeepL play the role of translating and adjusting content to fit various languages and cultures appropriately. Together, they ensure that the product accommodates and respects different cultures and languages, while providing a unified user experience.

For these reasons, 'i18n' has become a core concept that planners, developers, and UX designers must understand. Considering various languages and cultures to expand products into the international market is an essential condition for building a successful global business. It is an important process that strengthens the connection with users worldwide while understanding and improving the user experience.
'i18n' offers us a way to grasp the depth of various cultures and maximize the user experience as we internationalize our products. Above all, it is a fundamental concept in creating an international user experience.
At GCOO, we perform translation and localization tasks into various languages using 'i18next' and AI translation tools such as ChatGPT and DeepL. This is an essential step to ensure that users everywhere receive consistent quality service.
Ultimately, our goal is to respect the diverse cultures and needs of users, continuously improve and innovate to provide an exceptional global user experience that connects the world. Our team is constantly striving to provide a rich and natural experience to users all around the world.