G-Bike, led by CEO Jong-Soo Yoon, operating the electric scooter sharing service platform 'Gcooter', announced on the 22nd that it will revamp the branding and slogan of its proprietary brand 'Gcooter'.
In line with the corporate vision, the goal is to reorganize the brand identity and expand into various new business fields as a stepping stone, thereby further strengthening its presence in the global market.
Through this overhaul, the selected brand name 'GCOO' has been designed to accommodate various sub-services such as E-Scooter, E-Bike, Battery, Rental, etc., in response to the global market launch in North America and Asia-Pacific, and considering the scalability of the brand.
The letter G in the logo 'GCOO' symbolizes 'roads and direction of movement' with its curved shape, while the letter C symbolically connects a unified line to represent the newly connected platform. Additionally, the two consecutive letters O intuitively depict the symbolism of mobility and the round shape of the earth.
The new slogan 'Mobility Evolution for All' embodies the goal of becoming a leading company in future mobility. Reflecting the spirit and objective of the brand that seeks to evolve into safe and reliable future transportation through technological development and improving public perception of sharing services, just as human civilization has developed with means of transportation, so does humanity's dream of convenient mobility.
With plans to achieve mobility innovation for humanity, extending beyond a platform company to develop capabilities ranging from hardware to smart mobility infrastructure.
GCOO CEO Jong-Soo Yoon announced, "We have proceeded with the brand renovation to gradually expand the brand's value and solidify our position as a global enterprise." He also expressed his aspiration to "create a world where anyone can overcome the limitations of walking and lead a freer and more convenient life," and to "continue with new challenges to become an iconic brand leading the micro-mobility market."