Gbike, which operates the personal mobility (PM) sharing platform GCOO, announced on the 12th that it has signed a business agreement with the Seoul Gangseo Police Station with the purpose of strengthening security activities to enhance safety.
As crimes of irrational motive (indiscriminate crimes) such as recent random stabbing incidents continue to occur, raising public security concerns, the National Police Agency is establishing a special security activity system, including strengthening foot patrol. Accordingly, the Seoul Gangseo Police Station plans to create a new public-private cooperation model and actively expand security activities.
According to the business agreement, Gbike will support the Seoul Gangseo Police Station with personal mobility devices (PMs) and electric bicycles necessary for patrol and other security activities.
When police officers are on foot patrol and distanced from their patrol cars, responding quickly to emergencies becomes difficult. At these times, the use of Gbike's devices allows for a swift response. Additionally, the company plans to use its devices to strengthen security around narrow alleys, crowded areas, and venues near entertainment establishments, which are often vulnerable to crime.
In Gangseo District, where Gbike's PMs and electric bicycles are operated on the largest scale, they can be used anywhere and anytime according to the needs of the police officers, thus high effectiveness is expected, and it is anticipated that the burgeoning security workload of the police officers will be streamlined.
Won-tae Kim, chief of the Gangseo Police Station, said, “Amid growing social unease due to recent violent crimes, we have established a new cooperative system to create an effective crime response structure and supplement the weak points of foot patrol,” and added, “We will proactively pursue security activities with the goal of enhancing the perceived safety of the residents, and we will do our utmost for a thoroughly safe Gangseo District.”
Yoon Jong-su, CEO of Gbike, said, “I am pleased that GCOO's services can contribute to protecting the safety of the citizens beyond simply providing convenience in transportation,” and added, “We will continue to build an organic cooperative system for activities that promote the public good, and we will offer our full support and cooperation.”