Hello everyone. The topic I'm going to introduce today is 'global warming,' something you've probably heard a lot about. But it’s not just a story for grown-ups. Imagine a world where spring and fall have disappeared, leaving only long, hot summers and cold winters. This situation is not mere imagination; it's one of the realities we're facing right now. If we stop here and pass it off as 'nothing can be done,' the consequences will be even more horrifying. That's why now is the time to act. Depending on how we act now, the future of Earth can change dramatically.
The Tears of the Arctic: Irreversible Melting of Glaciers and Rising Sea Levels
If the Arctic ice melts, it's a huge mistake to think that only a few cute polar bears will be in danger. As the glaciers melt, the sea level will rise by about 60 meters, submerging numerous major cities from Florida to Bangkok, Tokyo, and New York beneath the sea. Floods, heatwaves, and various meteorological anomalies are already occurring around the world. These are not mere whims of nature, but the result of human activities.
The Flames of the Forest: What happens to Earth if these phenomena become more common?
Wildfires may seem like 'natural occurrences,' but over 10 years, the carbon emissions from wildfires are around 83 million tons. This is on par with the world's car emissions. It's a terrifying thought, but if these forests can no longer produce oxygen, what would be the result? It will directly impact our lives.
GCOO's Strategy: Start Sustainable Living Now
Even in all these tragic situations, there is a glimmer of hope. GCOO's electric scooters and bicycles are being developed to be charged with various renewable energies such as solar, wind, and geothermal power. Just by doing this, thousands of tons of carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced each year. Additionally, 98% of the parts of GCOO's products are recyclable. Sustainable living is not just a story of the distant future. It can start right now, and with GCOO, it's easier to implement.
Finally, protecting our planet is everyone's responsibility. Centered on UX (User Experience), GCOO is striving to provide customers and users with better experiences and sustainable choices. If we don't act now, the future of Earth will face even more severe situations. It's time to consider a better future by practicing sustainable living with GCOO.