주차 문제 해결 및 보행자 안전 강화, 어르신 사회적 참여 확대를 위한 상호 협력
2025. 2. 28.
제주특별자치도청·도의회·도교육청 공직자 223명 대상 전기자전거 출퇴근 이동 지원 ... 자전거 이용 활성화 협력
2025. 2. 25.
PM support available for use during operations and training... maximizing military operation efficiency
2025. 2. 6.
Integration with 110,000 devices nationwide and 8 app services ... Providing top-level user infrastructure
2024. 1. 24.
Hundreds of stories from various backgrounds such as proxy drivers, students taking exams, and long-distance commuters have come together.
2025. 1. 14.
2,100 laps around the Earth, equivalent to the annual mileage of 4,200 buses, and 2.3 times the total annual public transport mileage in Sejong City.
2024. 12. 30.
Two years after launching global services, we have gained over 270,000 overseas subscribers.
2024. 12. 27.
Improving air quality in developing countries and enhancing convenience for local community mobility
2024. 12. 18.
Awarded in recognition of contribution to creating quality jobs and improving working conditions
2024. 12. 12.
Device donation for research on preventing two-person riding... Continuing technical exchanges to enhance PM safety
2024. 10. 11.
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